Sea otters are suited for harsh weather; their fur, the thickest of any in the natural world, keeps them insulated and buoyant, allowing them to survive the frigid waters of the Pacific. Most of a sea otter’s energy goes towards regulating its body temperature; lacking blubber, they wholly rely on their fur and fast metabolism for warmth.
When sunny days and hot weather hits the coast, sea otters cool down by extending their feet out underwater, maximizing their surface area. At the Oregon Coast Aquarium, our sea otter trio gets extra special treats to beat the heat: ice, frozen crab claws, and clamsicles!
Sea otters use their incredibly strong teeth to open shellfish. Should that prove unsuccessful, these tool users can break open prey using rocks or hard surfaces. By giving Oswald, Schuster, and Earle frozen food items, their caretakers can encourage these natural behaviors while helping the trio chill.