A lush green Salal plant with waxy, round leaves and tiny pink blossoms is in focus in front of a green, blurred background.

Oregon Coast Aquarium Receives Sustainable Oregon Award

Newport, Oregon
 — The Oregon Coast Aquarium (OCAq) has received an annual Sustainable Oregon Award from the Association of Oregon Recyclers (AOR) in recognition of its continued sustainability efforts.

The Sustainable Oregon Awards, formerly known as the Recycler of the Year Awards, recognize individuals and organizations who demonstrate significant accomplishments in sustainable materials initiatives, recycling and waste prevention, and other elements of materials management in Oregon.

Accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, OCAq puts ocean advocacy and sustainability at the forefront of its mission, modeling conservation efforts and green practices both internally and externally.

The Aquarium has an established committee to help pave the way for green progress: OCAq’s Green Team empowers staff and volunteers in environmentally-centered planning, and consults with facilities, such as Thompson’s Sanitary Service, to guide sustainable choices Aquarium-wide.

Alongside dedicated recycling efforts, OCAq utilizes high efficiency pumps, electric tools and LED lights throughout its premises, and composted food waste from the Aquarium café supplements its soil, sustaining Oregon-native flora.

OCAq collaborates with local organizations to bolster collective sustainability efforts. In partnership with the Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force, OCAq tests the water quality of local beaches every week, and thanks to the City of Newport and the Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County, the Aquarium will soon host electric vehicle charging stations.

“Our vision is to lead by example through continuously growing our green efforts,” said OCAq President and CEO Carrie Lewis. “It’s up to all of us to help conserve marine life and ecosystems, and each day, we take another step forward in doing our part. We are honored to accept this award, and we wholeheartedly thank the Association of Oregon Recyclers.”

A harbor seal pup rests in a shallow pool

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