Going Green At the Aquarium

At Oregon Coast Aquarium, we believe that protecting our Blue Planet starts with Going Green. Our oceans are heavily impacted by our actions on land. The invasion of millions of tons of plastics into the sea, a changing climate, and habitat loss have all taken a serious toll on marine life. Over one third of marine mammals are threatened with extinction, and more than half of all ocean life has disappeared from its historic range. Yet over 3 billion people depend on the ocean for their main protein source. And ALL of us need a healthy ocean – and the photosynthetic algae that live there – to supply most of the air we breathe.
It’s up to all of us to help conserve marine life and ecosystems. Here are some ways the Aquarium is doing our part.

Our Sustainability Mission and Vision

Reducing Plastics

Reducing Packaging

Conserving Electricity

Conserving Water

Helping Ecosystems