Turkey Vultures

Our Turkey Vulture exhibit may be a surprise to many of our guests. When one thinks about the bird-life along the coast, they may not immediately consider this large scavenger. But as with any ecosystem, scavengers are an important element to nature’s eternal cycle of renewal. Their Latin name means “purifier.”
Our sibling pair of vultures, named Ichabod and Olive, came to the Oregon Coast Aquarium through unusual circumstances. The birds were taken from their nest as hatchlings and taken into a human home. Shortly thereafter, Olive and Ichabod were turned over to wildlife rehabilitation specialists who were able to provide the care they needed. But, as a result, they imprinted on human beings early and were unable to be released back into the wild. They were placed in their permanent home with the Aquarium in 2009.
Intelligent and curious birds, vultures require stimulation in the form of toys and other “enrichment” items to keep their brains active. Many of these items mitate what the vultures would normally do in the wild, including digging into objects (like pumpkins) and pulling things apart. Local wild turkey vultures have also taken an interest in Ichabod and Olive, sometimes flying over the Aquarium or perching on the pylons surrounding their enclosure.
When one thinks about the bird-life along the coast, they may not immediately consider this large scavenger. But as with any ecosystem, scavengers are an important element to nature’s eternal cycle of renewal. The turkey vulture’s diet consists only of carrion, so they can be commonly found at the edge of roads feeding on road-kill or picking away at dead marine animals washed up on local beaches. Their large wingspan allows them to float on thermal updrafts without expending much energy. Even at great heights, their superior sense of smell can detect ethyl mercaptan — a gas produced by rotting bodies. Once found, the birds will congregate in the area by large numbers. Their Latin name means “purifier.”
Intelligent and curious birds, vultures live and roost in large groups although they will generally forage alone. In terms of reproduction, females will generally lay no more than two eggs which she and the male will take turns caring for. The chicks break out of the eggs in about thirty to forty days and are cared for by their parents for the next eleven weeks. The parents and young will flock together throughout the following fall, then part company permanently.

Range and Habitat

Ranges widely throughout Oregon, across North America as far north as Canada and south to the tip of South America. Roosts are commonly in trees, cliffs, burrows, caves or on tall buildings.

Our Turkey Vultures


Conservation Status

Common. Protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.