Sponsor A Snack 2025 is no longer accepting submissions.
But what is Sponsor A Snack? Dub a grub after your ex or name a fish in your crush’s honor—or both! Here’s your chance to name a snack after someone you know, which we’ll then feed to one of our sea otters, seals, sea lions, or kestrel! Each increment of $15 allows you to submit a name; those who donated $15 may submit one name, those who donated $30 may submit two names, and so on.
Donors receive a confirmation email after submitting their form that summarizes their donation.
In the interest of privacy, only first names will be announced. The Aquarium reserves the right to omit or edit submissions that go against our community guidelines, including those that are derogatory, offensive, or include information that may violate the privacy of an individual.
Sponsor a Snack is a Valentine’s Day promotion, allowing sponsors to name snacks after other individuals. Please note that business names/advertisements, phone numbers/addresses, or other non-name entries cannot be featured in our Sponsor a Snack promo video.